Friday, December 22, 2006


More Fibs On Nukes

Yesterday in the Scottish Parliament the SNP put forward a motion for debate on the following:

That the Parliament notes the publication by the UK Government of its White Paper on the future of the Trident nuclear missile system on Monday 4 December 2006; recognises the need for a full debate to explore the military, economic and political consequences of Trident renewal and believes that a convincing case can be made, in military, economic and political terms, for the non-replacement of Trident, and calls on the UK Government not to go ahead at this time with the proposal in the White Paper.

This would appear to even cover the Lib Dem "wait til 2014" stance, but at the very least it covers those who are of the opinion that Trident should not be replaced, as found here.

So, in the end, how many Lib Dems voted for the motion?

Zero, that's how many.

Maybe they feel they can justify their stance, we're happy to hear from them if they wish to.

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