Thursday, June 29, 2006


'Three Jobs' Campbell's double standards

My thanks to Ed Vaizey MP for pointing this out in a column in the Guardian.

Apparently the Fibs have been running around with their "recycled"* leaflets telling everyone what a rotter the Tory candidate is for having three jobs. Except their own leader is just as much a three job man as the man they seek to traduce (in that usual sanctimonious LibDem style).

However Ed only points out one extra job - on top of Ming being an MP. That being his "occasional practice as Queen's Counsel".

However Ming's entry in the Register of Member's Interests also lists "Fee for speech made near Zurich for the Civil Society Association" under 'Remunerated employment, office, profession etc'.

So when will Ming practice some of that "discipline" he was referring to before? And why has he taken no action against the likes of Pete Dollimore and George Lyon? Is it because like everything the Fibs say it's just based on hot methaneous air?

Watch out! The LibDems are making a triple statement today.

* This has been something myself and others have wondered about. They say it's recycled paper on their cheaply printed papers...but is it? If there is anybody out there who is, or knows, a paper specialist could they find out and pop us a wee email to

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