Friday, June 23, 2006


Work & Pensions has been devolved

Well that's what Liberal Democrat Work and Pensions Spokesperson, Danny Alexander MP, appears to be saying.

Appearing at the bottom of his press release attacking our Prime Minister for simply advocating greater voluntary sector involvement in the provision of public services it says: "Applicability: this item refers to England and Wales. Due to devolution, detailed policy may be different in other areas of the UK."

(Readers may remember that it started appearing shortly after FibDems appeared).

However Work and Pensions is not devolved so what is Danny trying to avoid taking responsibility for in his naive Scotland? Is it that the voluntary sector has to appeal for funds from the Scottish Executive in which the FibDems have Ministers?

Could it be that when funding was sought by the Scottish Low Pay Unit from FibDem Minister Nicol Stephen for a Minimum Wage help line he gave them the bum's rush? Yet another brick in Nicol's wall of failure. Does his local Citizens Advice Bureau know? Does Danny's?

And get a better picture Danny...

...know what I mean?

P.S. - And since Danny (a Scottish MP) seems to want to spend his time on issues for England & Wales could anyone from up in his patch look out any old leaflets to see if he made one of those heartfelt commitments to solely stand up for his patch. You can get old Porridge at

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