Thursday, July 20, 2006


It was only resting...honestly

My thanks to Iain Dale for highlighting this one (otherwise Old Porridge would have missed it in a drunken haze).

This morning I received an email tip-off about the status of 5th Avenue Partners, the company run by Michael Brown which donated £2.4 million to the LibDems last year. I have now checked it out with Companies House and I can reveal that the company is being struck off the Companies House register of UK companies.

More damagingly, Companies House is alleging that the company has never traded in the UK and they are in correspondence with the Inland Revenue on the matter. A letter was sent by the Registrar of Companies to the Inland Revenue on 17 July asking for a prompt reply. They are inquiring if the Inland Revenue has ever had any dealings with 5th Avenue Partners.

If the allegation that the company has never traded is proved to be true, the LibDems will be in serious trouble for having accepted a donation from a company which has no UK base.

Oh dear. If that is the case all the Fibs claims of taking the money are looking a bit threadbare. But they were anyway as this usual example of Fib double-speak shows.

And along with the above Iain does a fine rundown of the growing elephant in the room that looks like sitting on our Fibbing friends. How tragic would that be?

April 28 LibDem Donation Scandal Gets Worse HERE
April 26 The Questions Ming Must Answer HERE
April 24 Electoral Commision to Investigate LibDem Donation HERE
April 21 LibDems Face having to Pay Back Donation HERE
April 21 LibDem Donor Faces Fraid Charges HERE

Father Ted was mightily relieved he had turned down Michael's offer to let him rest some cash in the Parish Account

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