Friday, July 07, 2006


Just What Are The Tax Proposals?!?!

Readers will recall a recent article on the subject of tax cuts being floated by the Scottish Fibs in advance of the 2007 election.

With thanks to Yellow Peril, we have more on this issue courtesy of Edinburgh Evening News.

Just what are the Fibs playing at? Are they going to cut taxes or raise them?

The article states that the 2p cut will be part of "balanced proposals" presumably meaning that people will be hit elsewhere for their money.

Of course the Fibs won't actually TELL us where they are going to hit people for extra taxation to make up the shortfall in income tax. Since the powers for other taxes do not actually rest with the Scottish Parliament.

Perhaps it might have something to do with their plans to hammer motorists who use "gas guzzling" cars. As evidenced here by their UK Environment Spokesman Chris Huhne.

I wonder how this squares with the sort of things old Porridge was highlighting from Dodgy Danny's debate in Westminster.

David couldn't understand why he had no money, those nice Liberals told him they would make him pay less tax and less for fuel so he bought a big Mercedes, which they then taxed him to the hilt for...

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