Friday, June 22, 2007


The Pain! The Pain!

What a blinder Gordon Brown has played on the Fibs. Obviously knowing their capacity to seek office over principle (what principle you ask?), he sets them up by making an offer, which have been the stuff of rumour and speculation for some time, then gets it splattered across the pages of the press, which is then followed by furious Fibbing denials which then turn out to be true and even truer. The resultant fury from the Fibs is quite enjoyable as they know this very public airing of back room deals will on the one hand annoy their anti-Labour voters and whilst making them look like sneaks who will do anything for power. Meanwhile Gordon twists the knife a bit more by looking ever so reasonable.

And all at a time when Ming's electoral value crashes and burns.

The upshot is a very enjoyable avalanche of much gnashing of teeth and soor plooms from the Found-Out-FibDems here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, and here.

Even Old Porridge has to say that the soon-to-be PM has played this brilliantly as his overtures have obviously convinced the Fibs to stay out of power in Scotland and Wales just before he releases the hares on his overtures.

Hear the one about the FibDems getting a taste of their own medicine?

I almost pissed myself laughing at the Fib dems,complaining of 'underhand politics',now they are about to get 'The Great Clunking Fist',just a thought thats a great title for a Kung-Fu movie!!
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