Sunday, April 01, 2007
Nicol shoots down his own policy
Well done to Michael Crow for putting Mr Thingey on their council tax policy on STV's leaders debate.
Nigel Nicol looked like a rabbit in the headlamps when Mike put the question to him first on Council Tax. Obviously Neil Nicol thought Alex Salmond was going to get it.
But it was a wonderfully stumbling performance as he had to say he supported a Local Income Tax before saying the SNP's sums didn't add up...on a Local Income Tax. As Enterprise MinisterNebulous Nicol knows something about sums not adding up.
But it was a wonderfully stumbling performance as he had to say he supported a Local Income Tax before saying the SNP's sums didn't add up...on a Local Income Tax. As Enterprise Minister
"No Mr Thingey. There are five people on this bench."