Monday, September 25, 2006
FibDems donor imprisoned for fibbing
Lib Dem donor jailed for dishonesty
Press Association
Monday September 25, 2006 5:18 PM
The Liberal Democrats' biggest donor has been jailed for two years for what a judge branded "very deliberate and pointed" dishonesty.
Flamboyant financier Michael Brown, 40, first gave false information in a affidavit and then tricked the authorities into giving him a new passport.
Not long now before we get an answer to the £2.4 million question.

After a tense stand-off with armed police,
Ming dropped some E before surrendering
Saturday, September 23, 2006
Did Bernie Balls Up Big Time?
Copper Spoon said...It's just that it comes shortly after Bernie Hughes had squirm like crazy after getting found out for doing what we know FibDems do - pretend to be the offended opposition for the voters rather than take responsibility for their decisions.
That's nothing Guido - the Scottish "Liberal" "Democrats" have placed a blanket ban on any of their selected candidates blogging, lest they embarrass themselves....
As was pointed out after some bravado by Bernie he then went into Winston Smith mode and deleted all comment that exposed him. Big, big hat tip to Yellow Peril for bringing this one to our attention and keeping the pressure on Bernie here, here, here, here, here*, here and here (Phew!).
* This one appears to have been spammed. Could it be a case of "Hell hath no fury like a FibDem exposed"? Nevertheless it does make interesting reading on Bernie's upfront LibDemism:
The update is a bit odd and based on Bernie's own "word" - the word of a FibDem - and is at odds with this link* which clearly says:Wednesday 30.08.2006
18:52 They don't like it up themBernie the brain (aka Super Numpty) has deleted all the messages on his blog that demonstrated that collective responsibility did apply to decisions of the Scottish Executive. He also expunged all references to this blog and fibdems and even his own post boasting about the Scottish Lib Dems' rise in the polls because it also had a go at myself and Porridge Oatens.
Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear. Obviously bears of little brain such as himself find it difficult to deal with criticism.Update: It seems we owe the Scottish Lib Dems a small apology - as Bernie has made it clear that not even they are stupid enough to stand him for the Scottish Parliament (though we have a media reference that suggests otherwise).
23/02/06 Strathaven Extra 2.3So has he quickly resigned and hope no-one will ask him or his party lest his embarrassing blogging comes to light and more voters are party to his party's duplictous campaigning?
Glasgow Caledonian’s book resource centre manager, Bernie Hughes, is also the Scottish Liberal Democrats candidate for East Kilbride.

"...the Scottish "Liberal" "Democrats" have placed a blanket ban on any of their selected candidates blogging, lest they embarrass themselves..."
* Just press cancel on the password box and it should open up in document format.The East Dunbartonshire Question?
After becoming unstuck with her own LibDem run-council you would think she would learn her lesson of saying one thing whilst her party does another whether it be political advertising, pensioners, or nuclear power. Of course considering some of her questions (1, 2) is that any surprise?
Her latest offering is this example of FibDemmery designed to make the Fibs look like they are complete innocents when it comes to constitutional problems:
Jo Swinson, the party's spokeswoman for Scotland, insisted that failure to answer the "West Lothian Question" would do long-term constitutional damage.
Addressing a fringe meeting, Ms Swinson said: "Our current constitutional arrangements are unsustainable. The West Lothian Question has never been adequately answered and if not addressed, the anomalies it highlights will continue to fester and fuel resentment against Scottish MPs over time."
Or is this yet another example of the Fibs pretending to be one thing whilst doing another?

Jo was also stumped when people asked her the time
For whom the Bell tolls
Thanks to the wonders of the DVD recorder, it is possible these days to imagine yourself in two places at once. If you are a Liberal Democrat, you can be in three, four, and sometimes more political locations simultaneously, watching yourself coming and going.
On one screen yesterday afternoon, I had Menzies Campbell entertaining the faithful down in Brighton with an excoriating dismissal of New Labour.
Wealth inequalities, public services, the environment, civil liberties; "a foreign policy which is neither ethical nor effective": failed, failed, failed. Who could possibly work with such people?
Then the picture flickered slightly. Suddenly Ming the Merciful was heaping praise on Nicol Stephen, his Scottish leader, a "driving force behind progressive politics", what with the "abolition" of tuition fees and the like. (Small digression: will I eventually have to cough up fees for the student of the house, or will I not?)
But how did Nicol achieve such breakthroughs? Was it thanks to the massed ranks of LibDem MSPs, or could it be - say it ain't so - that the leader of Ming's Scottish legion of decency has been supping with the Labour devil, like his predecessor before him?
It amounts to a favourite old Liberal slogan slightly amended: go back to your constituencies and prepare for coalition. Just don't let on to the voters.
Mr Stephen may believe sincerely that he will lead Scotland's largest party next May. I believe in little green men.

Zark and Booj-Booj left the coalition talks confident that Nicol would allow the scrapping of all life on earth
Thursday, September 21, 2006
On the Slide
In an effort to shake off his tag as some crusty and boring old fart, Ming and his advisors (presumably different to the ones he slagged off in the Festival of Politics for giving him bad advice) have come up with a great plan to make his speech edgy, contemporary and a hit with young voters.
He's going to do a slide show.

The Lib Dem audience soaked up Ming's family holiday snaps with their usual unique brand of enthusiasm
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
Comments Update
For the time being we will be using moderated comments, so posts may take longer than usual to appear.
Normal service etc etc......
A Cascade of Fibs
On Sunday 03 September it was reported in the Sunday Herald that the "Scottish Liberal Democrats are preparing to ditch Jack McConnell as First Minister by declining to enter a coalition with Labour afternext year's Holyrood election...Senior strategists say Nicol does not want to share office with aparty "on the way down" and would prefer to keep his options open on athree-way coalition with the SNP and Greens."
So far so good. But only Sunday past he was launching another initiative which the pressaraty concluded was a signal that he was closing down his options and would enter a coalition with Labour.
In the Scotland on Sunday of 17 September Nicol was saying in relation to a colaition with the Nats: "We are clearly opposed to a referendum on independence. We are not a party that supports independence and the only reason forholding a referendum would be as a first step to separation."
So was the first leak a fib or was Nicol fibbing? By Monday punters were even more confused.
The Scotsman of 18 September reported "Sir Menzies Campbell, the leader of the Liberal Democrats, has said helooks favourably on a coalition with the SNP," whilst Nicol was signalling "his opposition to a referendum on independence, effectively ruling out acoalition with the rival party".
Tuesday, 19 September and Nicol is far clearer on the BBC when he emphatically said "his party could only work with the SNP if it abandoned its "blocking" policy of an independence referendum".
However by evening BBC Reporting Scotland was reporting that East Dunbartonshire LibDem leader John Morrison was not happy with conditions being set and said they should wait to see the election results.
Next day the Scotsman of Wednesday 20 September reports "Stephen leaves way clear for coalition talks with SNP".
Effectively leaving us back where we started two weeks ago...or ever when it comes to finding out when the Fibs are telling the truth.
Nevertheless Nicol's opposition to a referendum on independence does raise another question.
On the official Lib's website they promote this from the Earl of Mar and Kellie who says "a democratic path should be available to Scottish independence" with his Bill on a, er, referendum on independence.
Since it's on their official website, and the Earl hasn't been sacked from the official positions he has been appointed to, then the logic of that must be that they have an open mind on the matter. Or are they playing at being FibNats with some voters and Fiberal Unionists with others?
The ScotFibDem Conference was ruined when John Morrison and Mar & Kellie opposed Nicol's motion on a coalition
* Clairol? Is she or isn't she...?
Good Grief
Now, we at Fib Dems have always been more than a little eager to point out that when it comes to political statements, Ms Swinson displays the qualities of a supermodel. Namely a lack of intelligence.
Jo doesn't really do it for us though. Neither do any of her fellow "stunners" in the Lib Dems.
We're more captivated by Claire Ward, Labour MP for Watford.
See what we mean? Foxy lady.
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Real Dumb Fibs get exposed by the Record
LIB DUMBAnd there's more in the Mirror
POLITICIANS have a reputation for making silly claims when they want our votes.
But the Lib Dems yesterday appeared to have set new records for bogus answers.
Scottish leader Nicol Stephen said he doesn't want any new nuclear power plants in Scotland.
But he won't say if this will be a deal breaker in any future coalition talks.
Cynics would say it depends on how many ministerial Mondeos are on offer.
And UK leader Sir Menzies Campbell gets caught out on two simple questions.
He claimed the Arctic Monkeys had sold more records than the Beatles and that the Lib Dems had won the Bromley and Chislehurst byelection, when they finished in second place behind the Tories.
And these are the people who want to run the country?
Clueless Ming stuns party faithful with shock gaffes
By Rosa Prince Political Correspondent
BUNGLING Ming Campbell turned into a party joke at the Lib Dem conference yesterday - with a string of embarrassing gaffes.
Dim Sir Menzies, 65, had hoped for a confident start to his first conference as leader - but blundered on everything from how many by-elections they had won to his favourite TV shows.
The first clanger, in a Q&A session in front of delegates, came as he tried to mock Gordon Brown's claim to be a fan of indie band the Arctic Monkeys.
Aides cringed as he spluttered: "I know where the Arctic Monkeys come from. I know they've sold more records than The Beatles.
"But the idea, as was reported by the Chancellor, that I'm going to turn off the Today programme and turn on the Arctic Monkeys seems a little remote."
In fact the Sheffield band, famed for the hit I Bet You Look Good On The Dancefloor, have sold 500,000 - a fraction of the Fab Four's one billion.
Ming again came a cropper over his grasp of popular culture when he claimed he would spend Monday night glued to cult US political drama The West Wing on BBC4. He would have been sorely disappointed as it is on Sundays on digital channel More4.But the hapless leader stunned activists in Brighton when he could not even get basic political facts right.
He claimed to have led* them to victory in the two by-elections fought under him - in Bromley, Kent, and Dunfermline & West Fife.
He bragged: "We won in both of those places because we had the right candidates with the right campaigns."
But the Lib Dems only came second to the Tories in Bromley.
And Ming has led them in three elections. The third, in Blaenau Gwent, Wales, in June, was on the same day as the Kent contest.

"I'm Prime Minister you know..."
* Technically he didn't lead them in Dunfermline either since he was only acting leader during the leadership contest - yet more fibbery.
What Are The Tax Proposals!?!?!
It seems they still don't know the answer.
After having huffed and puffed about how raw a deal rural motorists were getting, Danny Alexander has decided that they should have to pay about £2,000 in tax for their 4x4 vehicles.
So, what is Danny's true position?
Are rural motorists entitled to a better deal given how essential car use is for them?
And just what is his definition of a rural motorist?
Which areas in his constituency of Inverness, Nairn, Badenoch and Strathspey would he class as rural?
If I were a betting man (and when Mrs Inquisitor isn't looking I am) I would reckon Danny doesn't have any answers to these questions.
FibDems devoted readers are invited to ask Danny for themselves. Please send the answers to and we'll put them up for all our readers to see.
Monday, September 18, 2006
SHOCK! LibDem MEP admits Fibbery
When even Lib Dems say this, what is the point of Yellow Peril?Hopefully the message of Yellow Peril and FibDems is getting through to the likes of Mr Watson and the pangs of guilt are itching. We may have to accord him a special dispensation.
Graham Watson, the leader of Liberal Democrats and allied groups in the European Parliament, said that the party had relied on populist gimmicks for too long and failed to put forward a coherent policy agenda.
“It will no longer be credible for Liberal Democrats to appeal for votes, as so often we do, on the basis that we would be better managers,” he said. “It will no longer be credible to campaign, as sometimes we do, on a disparate series of populist gimmicks.
“Our party has been guilty of such populism at all levels of government. Other parties can repair cracked paving stones or improve local eyesores as well as we can, and campaign on a platform of doing so just as effectively.”

Graham had second thoughts when the Priest was sent round to give the holy dispensation
Aberdeen Journals stick Nic
In true Fib fashion he denied and admitted on the same issue - "Liberal Democrat leader Nicol Stephen today denied he feared a bypass backlash at the ballot box next May. ..But the Aberdeen South MSP admitted the £400 million western peripheral route was a "difficult issue" for him."
If you've nothing to "fear" Nicol, what's so "difficult"?
They continue - "But the road is not Mr Stephen's only problem - his national profile is too. A national newspaper recently showed pictures of Mr Stephen on the streets of Scotland's main cities. Remarkably few people were able to identify him."
We know, we know!!!! We enjoyed that one.
..."When asked if this was a problem, with an election due next May, he replied: "I'm a new party leader. I've been in office 12 months and clearly my profile will go up very significantly during next year's election campaign"..."
FibDems hopes so as more voters will be able to see the Fibs squirm as they have to defend their own responsibility in government rather than feign opposition.
Then there was this old canard.
"He claimed the Lib Dems were well-placed to become the single largest party in Scotland. "
Do give up Nicol. No-one believes you. Which might explain the mocking tones of the article.
..."And he insisted the North-east has benefited from having him in such a high-profile role. "
Like this benefit???
But the best was yet to come...
"...senior Lib Dem city councillor Neil Fletcher recently criticised Mr Stephen - his party leader - for concentrating too much on his ministerial duties at the expense of Aberdeen. "
Oh dear. Trouble at mill I see...
"I would ask the simple question back - would they rather have a politician from a different political party representing them or would they rather all the ministers and party leaders came from the Central Belt?" he opined back.

"The Aberdeen FibDem chairman had to postpone the meeting after Nicol took offence."
Friday, September 15, 2006
By Design or Accident (and Emergency)?
After the rantings and ravings of Bernie Hughes (who decided to pursue the ultra-liberal stance of closing his blog to comment after being caught out) about how Labour was solely responsible for the closure of Monklands A&E, his colleagues were given the chance to put their votes where their mouths were on the issue in parliament.
Here's how they voted.
Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear...
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Oh No Jo....Again
As if it wasn't bad enough being grossly incompetent and hideously underqualified, now her own party has ascertained as much.
Witness the reaction of John Morrison, leader of Jo's local council, when she decided to add her tuppensworth to a local education dispute.
FibDems cannot help but find it appropriate that, during the Festival of Politics, Jo Swinson was asked to take part in a "Balloon" debate...

Scottish spokesperson? You're having a laugh!!!